Glad you had such a great trip. My only thought is to scratch my head at people suggesting that there's any chance of persuading the Ukrainians to come to negotiations of ceding territory for peace. Anyone who knows anything about Ukrainian public sentiment knows it's an absolute non starter...It shouldn't even be put down on the competetors list.
Thanks for sharing this Mike. What a wonderful experience. Your insight is so important to average Americans who don't understand and need to see the Ukrainian's commitment to their country. I cannot imagine ending funding to Ukraine. So glad you went and so glad you're home safe.
Mike, you see the situation with such clarity and articulate it so well. Your trip was packed! Glad you were able to unwind a bit in Spain and Portugal.
I saw you at the YES conference. I caught up with it about a week late as I was watching the goings on at the UN. While it had some moments it could not hold a candle to YES! I am still working my way through some of the discussions. The “Nightcap” about kidnapped Ukrainian kids is definitely worth a second listen.
It was fun watching the audience and putting names to faces. It was Tim Snyder who first brought me in and then I was hooked. I am deeply envious of you and those you sat with.
But throughout it all, and the UNGA, (some of it was good) I kept coming back to the enormous debt we all owe the Ukrainian people. It’s their bravery, their energy, their spirit and their sacrifice that is protecting all of us. We must do all we can to ease their way, whichever way they choose to travel. It’s the very least we can do but we are capable of much more.
Thank you for all you do & for keeping us informed!! We must NEVER forget the invasion by Russia, or the annexation of Crimea!!
Great report. Thanks very much for sharing.
Glad you had such a great trip. My only thought is to scratch my head at people suggesting that there's any chance of persuading the Ukrainians to come to negotiations of ceding territory for peace. Anyone who knows anything about Ukrainian public sentiment knows it's an absolute non starter...It shouldn't even be put down on the competetors list.
Thanks for this report, what an inspiring bunch they are despite the circumstances.
Thanks for sharing this Mike. What a wonderful experience. Your insight is so important to average Americans who don't understand and need to see the Ukrainian's commitment to their country. I cannot imagine ending funding to Ukraine. So glad you went and so glad you're home safe.
Mike, you see the situation with such clarity and articulate it so well. Your trip was packed! Glad you were able to unwind a bit in Spain and Portugal.
I saw you at the YES conference. I caught up with it about a week late as I was watching the goings on at the UN. While it had some moments it could not hold a candle to YES! I am still working my way through some of the discussions. The “Nightcap” about kidnapped Ukrainian kids is definitely worth a second listen.
It was fun watching the audience and putting names to faces. It was Tim Snyder who first brought me in and then I was hooked. I am deeply envious of you and those you sat with.
But throughout it all, and the UNGA, (some of it was good) I kept coming back to the enormous debt we all owe the Ukrainian people. It’s their bravery, their energy, their spirit and their sacrifice that is protecting all of us. We must do all we can to ease their way, whichever way they choose to travel. It’s the very least we can do but we are capable of much more.