I just submitted the following letter to JD Vance:

My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Russian and I am an American. I grew up in Kiev and Moscow, and I support your plan for Ukraine. This bizarre war makes no sense, the same people are on both sides, it is like a hypothetical war between Ohio and Pennsylvania. The politics of Zelensky's government is based on a lie of the Ukrainian nationalists: they want us, Ukrainians, to pretend that we are culturally separate from Russia, and position Ukrainians as a US proxy against Russia - to get some benefits from the West. Instead of investing in education and stimulating business - they demolish monuments to Russian writers and force the predominantly Russian-speaking population of Central, East and Southern Ukraine to pretend they all speak Ukrainian. This is like forcing everybody in California to use only Spanish in the government and education system. Ukrainian politicians like Podolyak are planning to squeeze the Russian-speaking population out of Crimea by making their life hell - with help from America! And the US politicians like Nuland and Biden support this. I hope you and Mr.Trump will come to the White House and there will be some return to normalcy.

Thank you,

Yuri Panchul

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I rather doubt this is how most Ukrainians see things!

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Dear Michael:

How do you know how most Ukrainians see things?


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, California

650-587-6636 ( mobile )

terry_ooldberg@yahoo.com ( email )

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What's in it for the Biden administration to keep the conflict going instead of brokering a settlement of it? The opportunity for graft by the Biden crime family is the only answer that comes to me. Does anyone else have a different view? If so, what is your argument?

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