I published this piece in the Washington Post yesterday. It’s very speculative. Predicting the future is hard for social scientists and intelligence officers alike. But we are asked to do so by both government officials and the media & public audiences all the time. I was asked by the editors at Wapo to do so. So I did. Very curious to hear your reactions as I intend to write a longer article on the subject.
By the way, I've been right about many predictions. I've been wrong too. But I've always admitted to my errors in prediction. I will be ready to do so with this piece as well.
Tell me what you think!
Here's a gift link for the article - I'm a big fan of the Ambassador - so glad to help.
Sir, you are a very skilled writer. I learn from you every day. I can’t criticize anything you said about Putin or Russia. I was fascinated by the lines “The older, more rural, less educated and poorer support Putin in greater numbers than the younger, more urban, more educated, wealthier Russians. Putin is losing the future.” You may have as well been talking about trumpism and America.