Indeed, the illiberal tide was ominously foreshadowed in March 2021 by Alexander Cooley and David H. Nexon among others (https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2021-03-26/illiberal-tide). With regard to Mike Johnson and the House of Representatives (Unrepresentatives?), the conservatives at least are being consistent. As they have for centuries in many parts of the world, they support orthodoxy and the Ancien Régime. Putin as a former Communist is as right as they get, and like Trump he hides behind veiled religiosity. Mike Johnson is more sincere. But, like nearly all conservatives, he rarely if ever ventures out of his echo chamber. And for someone in a position of power like Speaker of the House, that's dangerous.

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For background reading on the very complicated situation in Ukraine provoked by the Russian invasion, try PUTIN'S WARS, by Van Herpen -- this will impart at least some of the overall urgency and importance of the content shared here by this speaker - author : A great encapsulation of the adverse polity towards, and armed bullying of innocents.

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