I'm very worried for Ukraine - they should be in NATO. I heard news of a poll in Russia (from today's INSIDERUSSIA livestream, where Konstanin - a Russian who left Russia in the near beginning, when Putin mobilized in 2022) Konstantin said they did a poll of average Russian citizens and over 30% approve of Russia nuking Ukraine "off the map" and more than 40% of Russians who consume Russian TV propaganda shows. This is the first I'm hearing of Putin actually thinking about this idea - beyond any normal Medvedev rant about nuking countries in Europe - is Putin getting THAT DESPERATE? I've heard the new sanctions are biting hard, but still. Nuclear missiles to liberate Ukraine, PUTIN ? That's a whole other level of GENOCIDE.

I was seriously angry to hear NATO bring up "too much corruption" as a sudden excuse to keep Ukraine out of NATO - it seems very wrong to me, as the level of corruption has decreased significantly - and many other countries(for example, Romania, Albania, and No. Macedonia were accepted into NATO with greater "corruption", according to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index . So why, why not NATO now? An invitation at LEAST.

Garry Kasparov recently said in an interview with Silicon Curtain's Jon Fink, " NATO had only one goal, one goal only - to save free Europe against Russian invasion. Ukraine is the only European nation that fought for the very purpose NATO was built for. How on earth can you have any moral rights to actually doubt the Ukrainians’ rights to join NATO? They paid hundreds of thousands of lives, an enormous blood price, to become NATO." ( I totally agree with this! )

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I think we are wrong not to give Ukraine an invitation to join NATO and expedite their membership. I honestly think that is the only thing that will stop Putin in his tracks.

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So Marilyn, do you have grandchildren tor young children.

Please, are you willing to risk WWIII? Is Ukraine joining NATO worth such a risk?

I am not willing to bet the lives of my kids and grandkids. Are you?

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NATO will destroy us! It hasn’t done a thing to bring peace, only conflict and war. It is a dangerous tool of the US being used to spread its hegemony. The world would be a more peaceful place without it. This I truly believe. It should have been disassembled when the USSR broke down. It was initially created to create a power balance. Now the power balance is out of control and wreaking havoc on world peace at the whim of POTUS.

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I’m very disappointed in the non-responsiveness of McFaul. He fails to provide anything other than the same tiresome Democratic narrative and avoids responding to respectful but differing views.

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There is still a simple way out of this mess. If President Biden gives VP Harris a lifelong position as an appellate judge and names Gov.  Newsom his running mate, we will win 2024, 2028, 2032


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Dear Professor McFaul,

There is still a painless way out of this mess. If President Biden gives VP Harris a lifelong position as an appellate judge and names Gov.  Newsom his running mate, we will win 2024, 2028, 2032...

Nobody is considering this option – why?

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Dear Prof. McFaul:

Biden favors armed conflict with the Russian Republic in response to its aggression against Ukraine whereas Trump favors a negotiated settelment of this conflict. What is your view on this controversy?


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcjer

Los Altos Hills, CA


1_650-518=6636 ( (mobile)

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I agree! Negotiations seem like an alien concept to Democratic leaders. They espouse peace but speak of nothing but peace through war.

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Honestly, yes.

Freedom and Democracy are preferable to fascism and other forms of government but life is precious!

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YES. There is right and wrong. It is wrong and risky, I might add, to continue to let Ukraine fight for democracy alone, because Ukrainians are not just fight for democracy for themselves, they are also fighting to save Europe and possibly the rest of us from fascism. Are you willing to risk your children or grandchildren living under fascist? I am a woman, a lesbian and a Jew, I know first, second and third hand what hate and fascist can do.

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Dear Professor McFaul,

May we have the rest of the article.? The link takes us to a paywall

Also, what happened to:

“live Q&A session for my paid readers on Substack …. I will do these on the first Friday of every month.”?

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I ditto that!

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I will not be resubscribing. I was hoping for meaningful debate.

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May we have the rest of the article. The link takes us to a paywall

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The FP article is paywalled for nonsubscribers. Does anyone have a gift link? Thank you.

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