How anyone can deny the dangers of another Trump term is beyond me, especially since we have, after all, seen it the first time around. And his running mate and his supporters are also a giant concern long term. I renewed my passport last week in anticipation of the reasons you aptly described. Fingers crossed we have no reason to worry...

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Thank you for writing this. It’s how I see the situation and people think I’m overreacting.

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Lots of folks are in denial about what a Trump second term might bring, but the danger is real.

This was brought home to me recently by an article in the New York Review of Books, entitled "Hitler's Enablers," by Christopher R. Browning. In it, Browning reviews three books detailing the rise of Hitler, especially the key events that took place just before Hitler became Chancellor. Some of the parallels with the rise of Trump are startling, although of course there are many dissimilarities as well. The principal lesson: "The complicity of conservative nationalists in the Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933 offers disturbing parallels to the current American political situation."


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100% in agreement with your title, and cognizant, if not alarmed, by the possibilities you raise. But to me, the other choice represents the continuation and expansion of identity politics and its increasing prevalence in government, the military, medical schools, and across the board generally; the packing of the Supreme Court; threatened elimination of the filibuster, which I understand Harris herself previously opposed; and a continuation of diminished deterrence abroad. I think these represent more subtle, yet equally grave threats to the fabric and stability of our society and long term standing of our country. I think it really depends on what issues are more important to particular individuals. I would have liked the option of voting for Nikki Haley, Joe Manchin, or the like. I can’t in good conscience vote for either of the present options and their extreme positions, not to mention, in Trump’s case, a psychopathic character. But I’m in a solidly blue state, so guess it doesn’t matter.

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